In the ever-evolving landscape of natural language processing, Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools for a myriad of applications. One fascinating area of exploration is the optimization of the generation process for specific formats such as JSON, YAML, and XML through the art and science of prompt engineering. In this blog, we’ll delve into the nuances of leveraging LLMs for tailored format generation and how strategic prompt design can significantly enhance the efficiency of this process.

Understanding Large Language Models:

Large Language Models, exemplified by GPT-3.5, have demonstrated an unprecedented capability to understand and generate human-like text across diverse domains. These models are trained on massive datasets, learning intricate patterns and nuances of language, enabling them to perform tasks ranging from natural language understanding to creative content generation.

The Power of Prompt Engineering:

Source: Supercharge your language models: Reduce costs by 50% and fast response 2.5x by switching to YAML format.

Prompt engineering involves crafting input prompts that guide LLMs to produce desired outputs. In the context of format-specific generation, the challenge lies in instructing the model to adhere to the syntax and semantics of the target format, such as JSON, YAML, or XML. Let’s explore how prompt engineering can be tailored for each of these formats.

  1. JSON Generation:

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is widely used for data interchange. To prompt an LLM for JSON generation, the input must provide clear instructions regarding key-value pairs, arrays, and nested structures. Crafting prompts that explicitly specify data types, key names, and desired structures helps the model generate valid JSON output. For example:

Prompt: “Generate a JSON object with the following properties: ‘name’ (string), ‘age’ (number), ‘address’ (object with ‘street’ and ‘city’), and ‘hobbies’ (array of strings).”

  1. YAML Generation:

YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) is known for its human-readable format. When prompting an LLM for YAML generation, focus on providing instructions that capture the hierarchical structure and indentation. Clear directives on lists, key-value pairs, and indentation levels aid the model in producing well-formatted YAML. For instance:

Prompt: “Create a YAML document representing a configuration file with the following properties: ‘server’ (object with ‘host’ and ‘port’), ‘database’ (object with ‘name’ and ‘user’), and ‘settings’ (list of strings).”

  1. XML Generation:

XML (extensible Markup Language) is often used for representing structured data. For effective XML generation, prompts should guide the LLM in creating nested elements, attributes, and the overall document structure. Specific instructions on tag names, attributes, and their relationships are essential. An example prompt could be:

Prompt: “Generate an XML document with the following structure: a root element ‘data’ containing ‘person’ elements with ‘name’ attributes and nested ‘address’ elements with ‘city’ and ‘street’.”


Certainly! JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a widely used data interchange format due to its simplicity and readability. However, like any technology, it comes with its own set of challenges. In the context of generating JSON responses using Large Language Models (LLMs), several issues can arise. Let’s explore some of these challenges:

  1. Structure and Syntax Validation: Ensure generated JSON adheres to the format’s rules by crafting explicit prompts that specify key-value pairs, arrays, and nested structures.
  2. Handling Complex Nesting: Mitigate challenges related to nested objects and arrays by providing step-by-step instructions in prompts and implementing post-generation processing for fine-tuning.
  3. Ambiguity Reduction: Minimize unpredictable outputs by making prompts explicit, using specific examples, and refining instructions to reduce ambiguity in interpreting prompts.
  4. Data Integrity Assurance: Maintain coherence and context in JSON data by including specific instructions for data values, specifying ranges, formats, and implementing validation mechanisms.
  5. Excessive Time: Generating complex JSON structures can be time-consuming, leading to delays in response times and impacting overall system performance.

Leveraging YAML for Enhanced Efficiency:

Introduce YAML as an alternative to JSON for certain use cases to enhance generation speed and reduce computational costs.


  • YAML’s human-readable format often requires less verbosity than JSON, resulting in more concise prompts and faster processing.
  • YAML’s simplicity can lead to quicker comprehension by LLMs, potentially reducing generation time compared to complex JSON structures.
  • Evaluate and choose the format (JSON or YAML) based on the specific requirements of the application, striking a balance between readability and computational efficiency.

By strategically incorporating YAML alongside JSON, you can explore a cost-effective and faster response generation approach, optimizing the overall performance of your system.

Source: The YAML approach here saved 48% in tokens and 25% in characters.

The utilization of YAML format, as depicted in the image, results in approximately a 50% reduction in the number of tokens generated by the model. This leads to a notable improvement in response time and cost efficiency, contributing to an overall enhancement in the generation of model output compared to adhering strictly to JSON rules or formats.


In conclusion, the choice between JSON, XML, and YAML for format-specific generation with Large Language Models (LLMs) depends on the unique requirements of the application. Each format has its strengths and challenges, and understanding these nuances is crucial for effective prompt engineering.

The introduction of YAML presents a compelling alternative, particularly in scenarios where speed and cost-effectiveness are paramount. YAML’s human-readable and concise syntax allows for clearer prompts and faster comprehension by LLMs. Its simplicity facilitates a more streamlined generation process, potentially reducing response times and computational costs.

Both JSON & XML, while robust for structured data representation, can be verbose and may involve intricate format, tag hierarchies, potentially leading to longer prompts and response times. Best practice is to post process to your preferred format after model generation.

By strategically incorporating YAML response format, developers can optimize the generation process, achieving a balance between parsing, computational efficiency, and faster response times.