Material and Cupertino Design


In the realm of Flutter development, forging visually appealing and intuitive user interfaces is imperative for shaping thriving applications. Within this landscape, two predominant design languages, Material Design, and Cupertino Design, emerge, each offering distinct aesthetic principles and widget sets for developers to employ. In the following discourse, we will delve into these design languages extensively, elucidating their principles, widget libraries, and best practices for crafting stunning UIs in Flutter.

Material Design:

Material Design, introduced by Google, is a comprehensive design system that emphasizes clarity, consistency, and usability across platforms. Let’s delve into its key aspects:

Google Material Icon

Google Material Icon Guide

Introduction to Material Design principles

Material Design principles revolve around tangible surfaces, bold colors, and meaningful motion, creating a visually immersive user experience.Concepts like material properties, elevation, and motion guide the design process, ensuring consistency and familiarity for users.

Explaining Material Components for Flutter:

Material Components for Flutter (MDC-Flutter) is a powerful library that bridges design and engineering, providing a consistent user experience across various apps and platforms. Let’s dive into some of the essential components it offers:


Common buttons:These are clickable blocks that initiate actions like sending emails, sharing documents, or liking comments.

  • FloatingActionButton: A clickable block with an icon, ensuring a key action is always within reach.
  • IconButton: Clickable icons that prompt users to take supplementary actions.
  • SegmentedButton: Single or multiple selected clickable blocks to help users select options, switch views, or sort elements.


  • Badge: An icon-like block conveying dynamic content such as counts or status. It can include labels or numbers.
  • LinearProgressIndicator: A vertical line that changes color during ongoing processes (e.g., loading an app or submitting a form).
  • SnackBar: Brief messages about app processes are displayed at the bottom of the screen.


  • AlertDialog: Hovering containers that prompt users to provide additional data or make decisions.
  • Bottom sheet: Containers anchoring supplementary content to the bottom of the screen.
  • Card: A container for short, related pieces of content displayed in a box with rounded corners and a drop shadow.
  • Divider: Thin lines that group content in lists and containers.
  • ListTile: A single fixed-height row typically containing text and a leading or trailing icon.


  • AppBar: A container displaying content and actions at the top of a screen.
  • Bottom app bar: A container showing navigation and key actions at the screen’s bottom.
  • NavigationBar: A persistent container enabling switching between primary destinations in an app.
  • NavigationDrawer: A container sliding from the leading edge of the app to navigate to other sections.
  • Navigation rail: A persistent container on tablet and desktop screens for navigating app parts.
  • TabBar: Layered containers organizing content across different screens and data sets.


  • Checkbox: A form control allowing users to set or clear options from a set.
  • Chip: Small blocks simplifying data entry, selections, content filtering, or triggering actions.

Cupertino Design:

Cupertino Design, developed by Apple, focuses on delivering elegant and intuitive user interfaces inspired by iOS aesthetics. Let’s explore its characteristics:

Overview of Cupertino design language:

Cupertino design language embodies simplicity, clarity, and precision, reflecting the sleek and polished aesthetic of iOS interfaces. Elements like subtle gradients, thin typography, and minimalistic icons define the Cupertino design style, creating a visually pleasing experience for iOS users.

Cupertino Design

Introduction to Cupertino widgets in Flutter:

Cupertino widgets in Flutter provide developers with a set of UI elements specifically designed to mimic the native iOS look and feel.
Let’s explore some of the key Cupertino components available in Flutter:

  • CupertinoButton: An iOS-style button that you can use for various interactions in your app.
  • CupertinoDialogAction: A button typically used within a CupertinoAlertDialog for actions like confirming or canceling.
  • CupertinoListTile: A block that creates a row in a list, following the iOS style.
  • CupertinoPageTransition: Provides an iOS-style page transition animation when navigating between screens.
  • CupertinoNavigationBar: A container at the top of the screen that follows the iOS style. Often used with CupertinoPageScaffold.

Considerations for Choosing Between Material and Cupertino Design:

Deciding whether to use Material Design or Cupertino Design in your Flutter app depends on several factors, including your target audience, design preferences, platform considerations, and project requirements. Here are some considerations to help you make an informed decision:

  • Target Platform: If your app targets both Android and iOS platforms, using Material Design is a more versatile choice as it provides a consistent look and feel across different platforms. However, if you’re primarily targeting iOS users and want to provide a native-like experience, Cupertino Design may be more suitable.
  • Design Language: Consider the design language that aligns best with your app’s aesthetic and branding. Material Design tends to be more colorful, bold, and dynamic, while Cupertino Design leans towards minimalism, simplicity, and precision. Choose the design language that complements your app’s visual identity.
  • User Experience: Think about the user experience you want to deliver. Material Design emphasizes touch-based interactions, vibrant colors, and fluid animations, making it suitable for content-rich apps with complex navigation. On the other hand, Cupertino Design focuses on clarity, consistency, and ease of use, catering well to iOS users accustomed to native iOS interfaces.
  • Platform Guidelines: Consider the platform guidelines and conventions recommended by Google and Apple. Material Design follows Google’s design guidelines, while Cupertino Design adheres to Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). Adhering to platform-specific guidelines ensures your app feels familiar and intuitive to users on each platform.
  • Widget Availability: Evaluate the availability and suitability of Material and Cupertino widgets for your app’s UI requirements. Flutter offers a wide range of Material Design widgets through the Material Components library and Cupertino-style widgets through the Cupertino library. Assess whether the required UI components and styling options are readily available in each design language.
  • Development Effort: Consider the development effort required to implement and maintain the chosen design language. Material Design may offer more out-of-the-box components and resources, simplifying development for cross-platform apps. However, implementing Cupertino Design may require additional customization and attention to detail to achieve native-like iOS experiences.

Let’s check out the visual and code differences in Cupertino and Material Design.

Material Design


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
    home: Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('Material Design Example'),
      body: Center(
        child: RaisedButton(
          onPressed: () {
            // Add your onPressed logic here
          child: Text('Material Button'),


Flutter Material Design

Cupertino Design


import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';

void main() {
    home: CupertinoPageScaffold(
      navigationBar: CupertinoNavigationBar(
        middle: Text('Cupertino Design Example'),
      child: Center(
        child: CupertinoButton(
          onPressed: () {
            // Add your onPressed logic here
          child: Text('Cupertino Button'),


Flutter Cupertino Design


Mastering Material and Cupertino design principles is essential for Flutter developers to create visually stunning and platform-consistent user interfaces. By understanding the core principles, leveraging the respective widget libraries, and adhering to best practices, developers can design immersive and intuitive experiences for their users across Android and iOS platforms. Whether it’s the bold and vibrant aesthetic of Material Design or the sleek and refined style of Cupertino Design, Flutter offers the flexibility and tools to bring any design vision to life.

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